
I am struggling with panel problems too. I've installed 1.0 beta 5 on Win XP Home XP 2 and I am using Firefox 2.0. While logged as Admin, when I change the page layout in Panel Wizard (for instance to a 3 columns), after I click the save button, I'm getting the message "panel saved properly" but nothing has changed. I'm still having the old layout in all pages.


Jérôme Delacroix

Consultant en management coopératif

35 rue Marius Aufan - 92 300 Levallois-Perret

Tél. : 01 47 48 04 42 - Mob. : 06 60 48 61 63
Skype : jdelacr

Le 19 mars 07 à 10:24, Oskar E. Skeide a écrit :

Hi, I tried to set the Panel on the left side, so in "Panel Wizard" I chose "Left column" as page layout and saved this. Now all my Panels are gone. Tried to "Revert " and I tried changing to "Right Column" but still the layout resets to "No Side column".

Is this a know bug, or is it just me ?

    throw new NullCoffeeException();

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