Hi Mattia,

As Vincent already stated it, XWiki was built precisely because its founder thought TWiki lacked some features required for enterprise use. 

As to the concerns yous state, here is how XWiki behaves:
2 other points might be of interest to you regarding the use of a wiki in a large enterprise:
I hope that some of this information will help you make your choice :-)
There was another thread on the same topic (XWiki vs TWiki) that ran some time ago, you can access it here:  http://www.nabble.com/xwiki-vs-twiki-tf3956100.html#a11228774

Product Manager

Disclaimer: I am an employee of XPertNet... and I like XWiki a lot :-) I would be glad to see answers from other XWiki users that have used one or both solutions. 

On 27/11/2007, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:
Hi Mattia,

On Nov 27, 2007, at 10:55 AM, mattia_temp-newsgroup@yahoo.it wrote:

Hi everybody!!

Sorry for the "rude" title, but i'm evaluating which wiki propose in a large enterprise and, rightnow, i'm facing with this dilemma... hmm

I'd like someone to share his experience/knowledge and,please, help me to point out the main differences between those two products.

My main concerns are related with usability (especially regarding the WYSIWYG editor) security, access control, statistics and auditing features...

I'd really appreciate any help.

Thank you

Just so that everyone knows, here's the thread that started Mattia's post:

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