Hello all,

I'm trying to install xwiki for the first time. Please excuse me if I seem like a dummy !

I managed to get xwiki running as a WAR app in my enhydra (thanks to Vincent suggestion), but I am stuck with a NullPointerException when I want to configure it by opening the preferences page: http://locahost:8080/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences

Internal Servlet Error:
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processLocale(RequestProcessor.java:622)
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:177)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1196)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:414)

It may be that I don't have a locale defined somewhere but how do I have to define it?
I tried to export LC_ALL and LANG but it did not work.

Could you help me on this one once again?

Thank you in advance,


On 4 avr. 07, at 17:14, Vincent Massol wrote:

On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:44 PM, Mathieu Mangeot-Nagata wrote:

Hello all,

I'm trying to start xwiki as a war application within enhydra5.1 framework.
There is a problem during startup.
I have a ClassNotFoundException on a struts class:

2007-04-04 15:56:43,277: xwiki,INFO,: Configuring web service using "default"
2007-04-04 15:56:43,407: xwiki,INFO,: Configuring web service using "file:/home/mangeot/xwiki/WEB-INF/web.xml"
2007-04-04 15:56:47,865: xwiki,INFO,: default: init
2007-04-04 15:56:47,867: xwiki,INFO,: jsp: init
2007-04-04 15:56:47,920: xwiki,INFO,: action: init
2007-04-04 15:56:47,930: org.apache.struts.util.MessageResourcesFactory,ERROR,: MessageResourcesFactory.createFactory
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResourcesFactory

I checked the strusts.jar file and it contains the PropertyMessageResourcesFactory:
749 Thu Mar 09 15:30:48 CET 2006 org/apache/struts/util/PropertyMessageResourcesFactory.class

I don't know where is the problem.
I googled the Web but did not find any useful help.

Any ideas?

Your enhydra setup probably has another struts jar somewhere.


Maître de conférence en Informatique
IUT de Chambéry, Université de Savoie
Tel: +33 4 79 75 81 89