If my questions sound a little stupid bear with me, I'm relatively new to all this. Are you talking about changing the URL in the program or the URL the user has to go to to access XWiki? And will I need to install anything and create the xmlrpc and/or confluence directory?
The endpoint should be "http://mywiki/xwiki/xmlrpc". Other than that, the implementation is the same. I've just tried swizzle-confluence myself and it works for xwiki just perfectly. Only problem is that there's 1.2 release isn't available yet (so you'd have to build your own or use the current one with the old version of xml-rpc.
KalleOn 10/10/07, Ludovic Dubost < ludovic@xwiki.org> wrote:
You should try to change the URL to
Chanding mywiki with the url or url:port of your wiki
Israa Taha a écrit :
> Would anyone have an example of using XML-RPC in Java to create a new
> page in XWiki? I found an example that uses swizzle and Confluence
> shown below
> import org.codehaus.swizzle.confluence.Confluence;
> import org.codehaus.swizzle.confluence.Page ;
> import java.util.HashMap;
> public class AddPageExample {
> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
> String username = "david";
> String password = "snarf";
> String endpoint = " http://docs.codehaus.org/rpc/xmlrpc ";
> Confluence confluence = new Confluence(endpoint);
> confluence.login (username, password);
> Page page = new Page(new HashMap());
> page.setSpace ("SWIZZLE");
> page.setTitle("Test Page");
> page.setContent("This is a test");
> confluence.storePage(page);
> confluence.logout ();
> }
> }
> How different would the implementation for XWiki be?
> Thanks.
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Ludovic Dubost
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