Yes, I found the document contents in xwiki.xwikiobjects.XWD_CONTENT, but this field seem to include only the content ( content DIV or something). I need to find out from where the rest of the code ( includes: top, side, bottom) is generated.

On 3/1/07, Ricardo Rodríguez - Your XEN ICT Team <> wrote:
Hi, Oskar,
Completely new to xWiki I'm afraid I can't be of much help. But I think there is a clear thing: documents are in the database!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team

>>> Oskar E. Skeide<> 1/3/2007 15:49 >>>
OK, I guess I just have to edit the document then, to ensure a proper formatting. But when I choose the "Edit" option it seems like it's only the content DIV I can edit. I guess I have to find the document in my filesystem and edit it from there. Problem is, I can't find that document. Where are the WXiki documents stored ? I cannot find them anywhere in [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/xwiki/

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    throw new NullCoffeeException();