On 3/16/07, Gilles Serasset <Gilles.Serasset@imag.fr> wrote:
Hi Oskar,

On 6 mars 07, at 12:40, Oskar E. Skeide wrote:

Temporary solved. Added an extra </DIV> tag at the end of the contents ( although it should not be there ) and the page displays correctly

I ran into a similar problem:

I created a Blog Post with a rather long content. In the beginning of the content, there was a <div ...> opening (the content was created in html). When the content is displayed in the Main WebHome page (through the dashboard), it is truncated automatically and in the excerpt, there is only the <div> and not the </div> hence a mixup in the document structure.

Indeed. You spotted the exact cause. 

I corrected the problem by entering something valid in the "extract" field of the Blog Post.

I think the extracting function of the Blog summary should do its best to close the html tags left opened. I'll have a look to the JIRA issues...

The API should expose a correctHTML() function. Maybe in a future version...
