Is it possible to remove properties from a user defined class (I can't see it in the UI) ?
Undeterred I tried to use the info at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/DatabaseSchema
I tried  :
select * from xwikiclasses this returned no rows, which seems to imply no user defined classes
select * from xwikiclassesprop where WXP_NAME like 'myprop%' did show the property I added to the class
delete from xwikiclassesprop where WXP_NAME like 'myprop%'
unfortunatly didn't seem to remove the myprop from my class (the class editor showed it)

Incidently I edited the db before starting the server (to avoid possible caching issues).

So, short of deleting and recreating my class... does anyone know how to remove unwanted properties from a class ?

Many thanks in advance,
PS. Would others find this a useful feature ?