Hi All;

First up, this is for our local configuration (not xwiki.com).
What I'm wanting to do is setup an email system for notifying people that they must activate/sign in to the wiki and approve a request.

For example (for the precise among us, assume "he" means "he/she" ;-) )
1)      UserA creates a financial statement and creates a document of class Approval Request.  He then adds users to the document via xwiki.

2)      UserB, being the first member of the list of users, recieves an email from the Xwiki server.  He opens the page via the link provided, and - assuming he is happy with the change - grants approval (button/link/whatever).

3)      UserC receives notification from the xwiki server; he also approves.
4)      Iterates through list, requiring each user to approve before moving onto the next.
5)      Once all users are complete, send an email to the document creator and flag the document as "XYZ" (approved/done/etc).

Simplified quite a lot, and probably missing a few things but that's the basic idea - most of this I can work out fine enough, what I'm not sure about is the routing part (sending email from xwiki based on actions).

Any ideas or suggestions very welcome!!

Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel  +353 21 4808305