Karin Wiklund wrote:
Hi Gaurav,
I can answer that. The password for the user Admin (with upper cas A) is admin (with lower case a) (as given in http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Documentation :) ) You could also uncomment the superadmin in xwiki.cfg and use that one if nothing else works.
good luck!
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Gaurav Upadhyaya [mailto:gauravu@2xprime.com]
Skickat: den 11 juli 2007 08:22
Till: xwiki-users@objectweb.org
Ämne: [xwiki-users] XWiki Login Issue.

Hi All,

I built XWiki using tomcat, on oracle(and created the database with 36 tables) .
I tried to login with username/password as Admin/Admin (as given in http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Documentation , for my sql in comments section); but it does not accept the user.

I also see
1) Login
2) Administration

on the top right corner of the browser, but there is no user creation/registration link.

Please suggest if i need to create a user using some DB scripts, or if i could have gone wrong somewhere.


Oh, Thanks Karin

Admin/admin did not work, but i was able to log in after changing xwiki.cfg

Thanks again ;)


Gary_Sr_Dev Signature

Gaurav Upadhyaya | Senior Developer

PRIME | People,Process,Technology.

gauravu@2xprime.com | www.2xprime.com