Thanks for the great work the XWiki team is allowing us to enjoy. Hopefully we can contribute in the near future!!!
The XWiki development team team is pleased to announce the availability of the 1.1 Milestone 3 release of XWiki Enterprise
Version 1.1 Milestone 3 is mostly a bug fix release. There's also been a big internal change in that XWiki has been reorganized to separate the Platform from the Products developed on top of it and a modular automated build system using Maven2 has been setup. This was done to support the multiple products that will be released in the near future: XWiki Enterprise (the current Wiki you've come to know and love), XWiki Enterprise Manager (Multi Wiki management tool), XWiki Watch (social feed reader) and more.
Main changes:
* Lots of bugs fixed
* XWIKI-798 - XWiki does not work on Java 1.6
* XWIKI-1411 - Allow date format in footer to be customized (for Albatross and Finch skins)
* XWIKI-1453 - Allow specifying the list of toolbars to display in the WYSIWYG editor
* XWIKI-1355 - The page displayed by UnknownAction should be configurable
* XWIKI-1410 - Configurable list of initial groups
* XWIKI-1372 - Make XWiki platform GWT-ready
+ several other changes.
-The XWiki development team