Thanks, I'll try it.  (I had been using a wiki hosted by  
The WYSIWYG editor SEEMS to support actions that are not in the lanuage help (at the RHS of the screen) - but maybe this is different in RC1, I'll try it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Massol []
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] has anyone else had touble with the WYSIWYG editor on the 1.0-beta-3-a version?

Hi Apperson (or Johnson, not sure which is your first name :)),

I'd suggest you try XWiki 1.0 RC1 as we've improve the WYSIWYG editor handling a lot since B3. If you find any new oddities afterwards feel free to raise it on the list and file a JIRA issue.


PS: By language I assume you mean the wiki syntax and to answer your question, the WYSIWYG editor should generate valid wiki syntax.

On Apr 20, 2007, at 7:57 PM, Apperson Johnson wrote:

Many of the table controls (e.g. make a cell be 30% of the width ) seem to get lost on writing.
Also, I see nothing in the underlying language that supports these constructs.
Is the WYSIWYG functionality running ahead of the language?