Hi All,

I've currently got two xwiki systems running side-by-side - what I'd really like to do is to import the data from one (documents/attachments/users/topics) and merge them with the other, so that I only need to maintain one wiki installation.

Two complications are present if this is doable:
1) Some users may be duplicate on the other xwiki - including admin.  Passwords are the same between the systems wherever they are duplicate.

2) Document names may be duplicate.

Is there an easy way around this, or should I rather forget about it?  It would be really ideal if xwiki documents could be exported to xml for example, and imported as such - but I don't think such a tool exists yet?

Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel  +353 21 4808305