

You got the code validated, right? Perhaps you could also send the report from the validator …


From: users-bounces@xwiki.org [mailto:users-bounces@xwiki.org] On Behalf Of Hande Aksac
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 2:24 PM
To: XWiki Users
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Navigation Panel Displays in Different Locationof the Page



Thank you for your reply. However, even though I used a validation tool, I still could not spot where the problem might be.  I was wondering if you could help me with the code below so that the navigation panel will not display in different locations on the Blog WebHome page? Thank you.




This is the code behind Blog.Macros:


#macro(blog $category $nbitems $nbstart)
#set($maxchars = 400)
<div class="hfeed">
#set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.ArticleClass' and obj.name<>'XWiki.ArticleClassTemplate' order by doc.creationDate desc")
#set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, DBStringListProperty as prop join prop.list list where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.ArticleClass' and obj.name<>'XWiki.ArticleClassTemplate' and obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='category '  and list='${category}' order by doc.creationDate desc")
## TODO: feed category
#set($cdate = "")
#set($inbitems = $xwiki.parseInt($nbitems))
#set($inbstart = $xwiki.parseInt($nbstart))
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql, $inbitems, $inbstart))
#set($bentrydoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
#if($bentrydoc.fullName == $item)
#set($bentryobj = $bentrydoc.getObject("XWiki.ArticleClass "))
#set($creationDate = $xwiki.formatDate($bentrydoc.creationDate, "MMMM dd, yyyy"))
<div class="article_date">$creationDate</div>
#set ($cdate = $creationDate)
<div class="hentry">
<h4 class="heading-1-1-1 entry-title">$bentrydoc.display("title","view", $bentryobj)</h4>
<div class="article_content entry-summary">

#set($content = $bentrydoc.display("extract", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($content = $bentrydoc.display("content", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($i = $content.lastIndexOf(" ", $maxchars))
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($content = "${content.substring(0,$i)} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName}]")
#set($content = "${content} [...>${ bentrydoc.fullName}]")

#set($Author = $bentrydoc.display("extract", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($Author = $bentrydoc.display("AuthorName", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($i = $Author.lastIndexOf(" ", $maxchars))
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($Author = "${Author.substring(0,$i)} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName}]")
#set($Author = "${Author} [...>${ bentrydoc.fullName}]")

#set($Year = $bentrydoc.display("extract", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($Year = $bentrydoc.display("YearInfo", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($i = $Year.lastIndexOf(" ", $maxchars))
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($Year = "${Year.substring(0,$i)} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName}]")
#set($Year = "${Year} [...>${ bentrydoc.fullName}]")

#set($References = $bentrydoc.display("extract", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($References = $bentrydoc.display("ReferencesInfo", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($i = $References.lastIndexOf(" ", $maxchars))
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($References = "${References.substring(0,$i)} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName}]")
#set($References = "${References} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName}]")

#set($URL = $bentrydoc.display("extract", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($URL = $bentrydoc.display("URLInfo", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($i = $URL.lastIndexOf(" ", $maxchars))
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($URL = "${URL.substring(0,$i)} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName}]")
#set($URL = "${URL} [...>${bentrydoc.fullName }]")

##Make the content visible or invisible 10-16-07 by Hande

#if(($Author !="") && ($Year !="") || ($References !="") && ($URL !=""))
<b>Author:</b>&nbsp;$bentrydoc.display("AuthorName","view", $bentryobj)<br>
<b>Year:</b>&nbsp;$bentrydoc.display("YearInfo","view", $bentryobj)<br>
<b>Reference:</b>&nbsp;$bentrydoc.display("ReferencesInfo","view", $bentryobj)<br>
<b>URL:</b>&nbsp;$bentrydoc.display("URLInfo","view", $bentryobj)<br>
##set($content = $bentrydoc.display("content", "view", $bentryobj))

</div> ## entry-content
<div class="article_footer">
#set($bcategories = $bentryobj.getProperty("category").value)
Posted by <address class="author vcard">#userfn($bentrydoc.creator)</address> at <abbr class="published" title="#formatdateISO($bentrydoc.creationDate)">$xwiki.formatDate($bentrydoc.creationDate, "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm")</abbr>#if($bcategories.size() > 0) in #foreach($bcategory in $bcategories)<a rel="tag" href="$xwiki.getURL(" Blog.Category", "view", "category=${bcategory}")">$bcategory</a> #end#end #if($bentrydoc.date != $bentrydoc.creationDate) | Modified by <address class="author vcard">#userfn($bentrydoc.author)</address> at <abbr class="updated" title="#formatdateISO($bentrydoc.date)">$xwiki.formatDate($bentrydoc.date, "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm")</abbr> #end | [$bentrydoc.comments.size() Comment(s)>${ bentrydoc.fullName}?xpage=comments] | <a href="$bentrydoc.getURL("view")" rel="bookmark">Permalink</a>
</div> ## article_footer
</div> ## hentry
## prev/next links
#if(($inbstart != 0) || ($velocityCount==$inbitems))
<div class="pagingLinks">
#if ($inbstart!=0)
#set($iprev = $inbstart - $inbitems)
<span class="prevPage">[Previous>$doc.name?nbstart=${iprev}]</span>
#set($inext = $inbstart + $inbitems)
<span class="nextPage">[Next>$doc.name?nbstart=${inext}]</span>
<span class="clear"></span>
</div> ## pagingLinks
</div> ## hfeed
#blog($category $nbitems $nbstart)


On 10/27/07, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu@xwiki.com> wrote:


This is caused by a mistake in the html code of the affected pages,
most probably a missing or an extra </div>. Use a tool for validating
the page, and it will tell you where the problem is.

On 10/27/07, Hande Aksac <handey@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am experiencing some layout issues. I am using the right navigation panel.
> In the Blog WebHome Page, the right navigation panel is properly visible for
> some pages.
> However, for some pages, the right navigation panel either appears at the
> bottom or at the upper left corner of the page. I am having this problem
> only on the Blog WebHome page.
> How can I solve this issue?
> Thank you very much for your time and help!
> Hande

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