Hi, XWiki team,

It seems to me that upgrading the XWiki version on XWiki farm is very hard to do since it is not done for quite some time. Is this an indicator that maintaining an XWiki server with live sites is not easy?  

Is there a path for site managers to move up to the next version XWiki? Or, is there a way for users to get to the new version or get around the problems of the old version? Not everyday everyone is starting from a clean new version, everyone has to face the  upgrading time. If XWiki farm sites have to stay in old, old version, I guess moving up is really difficult. It does not look good to potential new users.

Thanks for thinking about this issue.

Hi, Wei-hsing,
I think your question is quite pertinent, but we can find part of the answer in some previous messages from XWiki developers. For instance, read this from Vincent...
"First, as you've asked about the distinctions it means the description on the download page isn't good enough so that needs to be improved. I wouldn't mind getting your help for that :)"
XWiki is quickly changing/improving, so at this stage if is not easy to give a clear update workflow. In what concern updates when changes in the database are not implied, I think the process is so easy as to install the new release and point it to the already created database. Particular care must be taken in what concern to changes in configuration files and/scripts and while importing files from a new xar (xwiki-application-panels-1.1-milestone-3.xar) file.

All this must be reflected in this download page, or in a page clearly linked to it. But this is a work to be done and to what all contributions will be welcome! I do hope dev people agree with this paragraph :-)

