Because I'm in the process of discovering xWiki layout, finding which style is used where, what file to use, which template to change.... I'll be more than happy to help someone in writing a tutorial about how to create a new skin. If someone more knowledgeable than me is inspired, I can be his/her right arm.

2007/3/14, Vincent Massol <>:

On Mar 14, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Antonio Goncalves wrote:

Hi everybody,
I've started using xWiki a few weeks ago and now I want to make it look the way I want. So I'm trying to create my own skin. I read the Admin guide about it, plus other mails but I have to say it's not an easy task. I don't really know where to start because I don't understand all the css files. xwiki10b1 has 23 css files but I think only 11 are used. Am I right ( style.css; elements.css; classes.css; xwiki.css; wiki.css; page.css; rss.css; screenlayout.css; microformats.css; presentation.css; colorsblack.css;) ? If yes, what are the other ones used for (chw.css, colorsblue.css, customcoloes.css , style1.css...) ? Why is page.css empty, is it the one to fill ? In other words, which css should I change if I want another layout, another font, colours....

I guess there are some leftovers of old skins in the xwiki10b1 skin :-(
We need to clean it. I don't know more unfortunately about which css file is used or not.

We also need someone to write a tutorial on how to create a new skin.

The easiest is to base your skin on an existing skin and just change what you want. This is what I did for and it was easy.


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