Hi Kenk, everyone,

thanks for the reply. I missed the HowDoesRightsWork page before. Now I got it. That brought me to another question though.

I am looking at the user's Access Level table, (got there by hitting Admin >XWiki.XWikiUsers > XWiki.user )  before this user has been given edit privileges, The table looks like:

Groups  Access LevelsUsersAllow/Deny
XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup  Allow
    edit XWiki.user       

What does that mean, why is there an "edit" in the access level column although the user can not edit anything at this stage?
Giving user edit permission  by admin does not change the entries in the table at all!!
Should it not be view instead of edit before? Or the entries have a different meaning than whau I am thinking.
