Hello All.
I know its not the appropriate place to post this.
But i have tried to unsubscribe myself from this mailing lists very often and it always fails.
I have tried emailing to the mail address " xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org "and also tried unlisting myself from the objectweb mailing list.
But nothing seems to work. Is there some problem with the server or am i missing something?
Umair Imam

From: vincent@massol.net
To: users@xwiki.org
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 14:22:53 +0100
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Editing breaks out of frames

Hi Andrew,

We do have a JIRA issue opened for this at

Now all we need is a patch to fix it ;)


On Oct 29, 2007, at 12:50 PM, Andrew Saunders wrote:

I have xwiki running within an existing frames-based system. Love them or hate them, I am unable to change the frames system. My problem is when editing with xwiki. When the edit button is selected the edit page opens in the parent window. Is the any way I can amend this? This issue only seems to occur when editing.


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