* Core changes:
o Bugs
+ XWIKI-1850 - No security against recursive includes
+ XWIKI-2047 - DB2 Hibernate Mapping for 1.2
+ XWIKI-2163 - XWiki.parseGroovyFromPage() doesn't work when passing the a page containing JARs to be put in the Groovy classloader
+ XWIKI-2164 - Cannot log out
+ XWIKI-2171 - When user is not in the bind_DN/bind_pass search for DN from user uid fail
o Improvements
+ XWIKI-2157 - Add Slovak translation
+ XWIKI-2170 - Allow inactive users to see specific pages
* Albatross Skin:
o Bugs
+ XSALBATROSS-18 - Parse error when serving skin.js through SkinAction
* Toucan Skin:
o Bugs
+ XSTOUCAN-11 - RSS macro isn't styled correctly in Toucan
+ XSTOUCAN-12 - In inline edit mode all the input fields are stretched to the full content width
+ XSTOUCAN-13 - Numbered lists do not appear as numbered
+ XSTOUCAN-17 - Bulletted lists do not show bullets in the WYSIWYG editor
o Improvements
+ XSTOUCAN-14 - In admin mode allow clicking anywhere on a tab to select it
+ XSTOUCAN-15 - Increase size of info box displayed by the #xwikimessageboxstart macro
+ XSTOUCAN-16 - Remove borders for tables using the memberstable class id
* Watchlist plugin
o Bugs
+ XPWATCHLIST-20 - Exception on Scheduler.WebHome about "isDocumentWatched"