Temporary solved. Added an extra </DIV> tag at the end of the contents ( although it should not be there ) and the page displays correctly

On 3/6/07, Oskar E. Skeide <oskaremil@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, it looks like it's inside the generated content. This is how http://mypal.kicks-ass.org:8180/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Dashboard looks like. The "right-side" menu appears top-left. It seems like all the DIV tags are correct, so I have a feeling that the bug comes from the generated content.
Contents of http://mypal.kicks-ass.org:8180/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Dashboard






<div id="webhomeblogdisplay" style="float:left; width: 50%;">

<div style="padding-right:20px;">


<h2 class="heading-1-1-1"> Blog <a href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.BlogRss ", "view", "xpage=rdf")" style=""><img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/black- rss-mini.png")"></a></h2>

#set($nbstart = $request.nbstart)

#set($category = "")

#set($nbitems = "10")








<div id="webhomeNewsdisplay" style="float:left; width: 50%;">

<div style="padding-left: 20px;">


<h2 class="heading-1-1-1">Recent changes<a href="$xwiki.getURL(" Main.WebRss", "view", "xpage=rdf")")" style=""><img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/black- rss-mini.png")"></a></h2>

#set ($sql = "where 1=1 order by doc.date desc")

#set($showdata = 1)


#set($nb = 10)


#set($formatDate = "yyyy MMMM dd, HH:mm")

#set ($list = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql , $nb , 0))


#foreach ($item in $list)

#set($troubi ="non")

#if ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel("view", $context.user, "${context.database}:${item}"))

#set($bentrydoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))

#set($cclass = $xwiki.getDocument("XWiki.XWikiComments").getxWikiClass())

#set($comment = $cclass.newObject())


#set($comments = $bentrydoc.getComments())


#set($comments = $bentrydoc.getComments(false))


#set($createur = $xwiki.getUserName($bentrydoc.author)   )



#set($i = 0) 

#set($cobj = $comments.get($i)) 

#set($comment = $bentrydoc.display("comment", "view", $cobj))  

#set($date = $cobj.getXWikiObject().get("date").value)


#set($date2 = $!xwiki.formatDate($date,"yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss")   )



#set($date1 = $!xwiki.formatDate($!bentrydoc.date,"yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss") )


#if($date1.equals($date2) )

[$bentrydoc.name>${bentrydoc.web}.$bentrydoc.name] <em>- 1 new comment</em>

#set($troubi ="oui")

#set($desc = $cobj.getXWikiObject().get("comment").value)


[$bentrydoc.name in $bentrydoc.web>${bentrydoc.web}.$bentrydoc.name]



#set($comment = "") 

[$bentrydoc.name in $bentrydoc.web>${bentrydoc.web}.$bentrydoc.name.replaceAll("@","%40")]


$xwiki.formatDate($bentrydoc.date,"yyyy MMM dd") at $xwiki.formatDate($bentrydoc.date,"HH:mm")

#if($troubi =="oui")

#set($createur = $xwiki.getUserName($cobj.author)   )


#if ($createur == "XWikiGuest")















<div style="clear:both; margin-bottom: 40px;"><!-- -->







On 3/2/07, Gilles Serasset <Gilles.Serasset@imag.fr > wrote:

You should first have a look to your pages (view source) to try to find out WHERE there is a missing </div>... by looking at the difference between page that has a problem and the page that works. If it's inside one of your docs, then edit the doc, if it's inside some generated content, then come back, its a xwiki bug...

Regards, Gilles,

On 2 mars 07, at 15:14, Oskar E. Skeide wrote:

Yes, I found the document contents in xwiki.xwikiobjects.XWD_CONTENT, but this field seem to include only the content ( content DIV or something). I need to find out from where the rest of the code ( includes: top, side, bottom) is generated.

On 3/1/07, Ricardo Rodríguez - Your XEN ICT Team < webmaster@xen.net> wrote:
Hi, Oskar,
Completely new to xWiki I'm afraid I can't be of much help. But I think there is a clear thing: documents are in the database!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team

>>> Oskar E. Skeide<oskaremil@gmail.com> 1/3/2007 15:49 >>>
OK, I guess I just have to edit the document then, to ensure a proper formatting. But when I choose the "Edit" option it seems like it's only the content DIV I can edit. I guess I have to find the document in my filesystem and edit it from there. Problem is, I can't find that document. Where are the WXiki documents stored ? I cannot find them anywhere in [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/xwiki/

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Gilles Sérasset
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