
Has anyone a solution for the problem described below?


-------- Originele bericht --------
Onderwerp: [xwiki-users] problem with link "Next"
Datum: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:02:51 +0200
Van: Rosseel Olivier <olivier.rosseel@student.khbo.be>
Antwoord-naar: xwiki-users@objectweb.org
Aan: xwiki-users@objectweb.org


Where should I find this, Arnaud?

And it's not only the link that's wrong.  The title at the top and the entry at the bottom of the page are also incorrect.  I see $category instead of the name of my category.
Maybe it's wrong in the "xwiki:Blog.Macros", but where can I edit this?


Arnaud Bourree schreef:

Do you have something like:


Rosseel Olivier wrote on 08/09/2006 17:21:

I've a problem with a link.

My Xwiki is onetolk.xwiki.com.

When I click on "Stage en eindwerk" in the menu on the right side, I
see "$category" on the top of the page.  On the bottom of the page, I
see "Entries for category $category
<http://onetolk.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Category>".  There is
also a link "Next", but the link isn't correct.  The category isn't
available.  So the link doesn't work.  The link should be
but is "http://onetolk.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Category?nbstart=10".

How can I fix this or is it a bug in "Blog.Macros"?


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