Oracle Version 9
Xwiki version 1.1


Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net>:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:30 PM, Loris Conedera wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have to setup a XWiki installation that uses Oracle as RDBMS. I
> configured the hibernate.cfg and inserted the Oracle JAR in the lib
> folder.
> I get an exception in by tomcat. My "xwiki.log" says:
> 16:24:33,567 [http-38080-Processor25] WARN
> util.JDBCExceptionReporter      - SQL Error: 17070, SQLState: null
> 16:24:33,582 [http-38080-Processor25] ERROR
> util.JDBCExceptionReporter      - La dimensione dei dati è
> superiore alla dimensione massima per questo tipo: 14255
> 16:24:33,582 [http-38080-Processor25]
> ERROR .AbstractFlushingEventListener  - Could not synchronize
> database state with session
> The database tables have been created.
> Can someone help me? Do you need additional informations?

XWiki version?
Oracle version?


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