Assuming now that the links are up, the file is released?
I have some observations, certainly not exhaustive but from a "first look" perspective.
- PDF/Printing
- Fails for me on trying (Firefox; no plug-ins as yet). Says the document is invalid - this can be due to a number of factors, however my old 0.9.840 in the Production environment works fine (ruling out browser/local issues)
- Doesn't seem to work right, documents become corrupt after adding any text via this method.. I noticed that there is both a "tiny_mce" and a "tiny_mce_2" folder in the Xwiki root - I seem to remember there was a bit of an issue with the one or the other, can this be the problem?
- Admin user
- Might be useful to put the default name+password in front of the user when they implement a blank wiki. I just assumed the password was the same; though many newer users may not. Didn't see the user account mentioned in the documentation, but then I didn't specifically search for this.
- Importer
- Importer works well. A bit of confusion at first as I didn't expect the blank wiki - but it's fairly user-friendly as the user gets taken to the Preferences first in a new wiki instance.
- Part of the import into a new wiki is the admin user (or so it seems), basically you are connected as a guest then import as the guest user. This has two side-effects which maybe could be reworked:
- The user gets a "lock" on the Preferences page as Guest, so when they login as Admin then the page is locked by default. Could be handy to have an "unlock page" tool that sets the lock flag off.
- After the admin user is "loaded" into the database (and I would assume due to the permissions module getting loaded too), the guest user doing the import gets a permission error; and is required to login as Admin and restart the import. It might be more user-friendly to simply log them into the admin account at that point automatically (they're the owner of the XWiki anyway), and continue with the import (just my own thoughts, sure there could be some turmoil over how that works in the group though).
- May be wrong on this, but it doesn't seem to export attachments for documents?
- History/Workflow
- Documents seem to start at 1.1, is there any way to make them start at a different number (eg, 1.0/0.1/etc)? The reason for this, is that some of my tools require workflow management to become version 1.0 (they are considered non-release until approved). Is it possible to reach 2.0, or will 1.99 roll into 1.1 again?
- Xwiki**.war file
- I usually like to remove this file after tomcat has done it's installation. When you do this however, the XWiki folder starts removing files from itself (for me anyway). Would be nice if I can point the application to another location to look for a war file, as I may have several instances of XWiki running on the same tomcat server.
- "On Top" toolbar
- Looks really smart on Firefox, however does not keep on top in Internet Explorer 6 (don't have access to 7 yet, so cannot test that). It's not a showstopper by any means though, but would be nice to have the two consistent (or option-based floating).
- Login without the "Remember Me"
- Does not happen anymore (this checkbox seems absent now), though I have since updated to Firefox2 which could be why.
- Seems to cause a script error in IE6 (may happen in other versions too). Firefox works as expected.
Have to say again, this release so far has been worth the wait on my end.
Also, thanks to the XWiki team for their work and efforts to date, into the new year and beyond!
Last but not least, Merry Christmas/Seasons Greetings to all!
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305