BOUSQUET Jeremie wrote:

Ok, this means I was wrong ;) Maybe the difference is in the header (with the <!DOCTYPE ), and also I believe that the    //<![CDATA[   might play a role … But I’m really not a good web developer …

Sorry, but I can not help you with this doubts now... :-( But I keep studying!

To make it work I modified timeline-api.js as described in the issue (just replaced the block indicated), attached the timeline-api.js in a wiki page, and replaced its URL in the WikiDev.TimeLine. But I’m not sure it’s needed in fact … Or maybe it’s needed if you don’t use <iframe>

As far as I can understand, the <iframe> trick is under our scope and to modify the timeline-api.js script in this origin it is not at the moment.

The sample from Jeremi is quite simple and works very well to display all News elements in the timeline :


<data wiki-url="$xwiki.getURL('Main.WebHome', 'view')" wiki-section="">

#set($feed = $xwiki.feed.getFeed("$xwiki.getURL('Main.BlogRss', 'view', 'xpage=rdf')"))

#foreach($entry in $feed.entries)

<event start="$entry.getPublishedDate().toLocaleString()" title="$entry.title" color="blue">$xwiki.getXMLEncoded($entry.description.value) ... $xwiki.getXMLEncoded("<a  href=$ target='_blank'>Suite</a>")








Please, let me play a bit with this piece of code. It surely simple as you say, but not for me :-)

If you prefer I can get the point ;-) But is this a code snippet, an application, macros … ? I believe it belongs to snippets … And can I make use of Jeremi’s modified sample, because HE is the creator of this xwiki timeline after all ….


A code snippet, as far as I know. It is a piece of code that can be included in a XWiki page. The problem here is that, in the current state, more than one page is needed to display the timeline. But I think it is still a snippet.

This is clearly a Jeremy&Jeremy issue :-) !


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team