Thanks JV!

Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:

Looks like Skin Extensions
( are what
you're looking for.
Sergiu & Marta are currently working on it :

Thanks for the tip.

I was guessing why I was not aware of this proposal. The reason is simple: I was lost with the XE 1.4 roadmap and I am afraid I am not paying enough attention to the RSS feed... :-(

The proposal seems of maximum interest for those of us considering the final appearance of a page in the a web browser as the result of a huge number of interactions between available information, features, user preferences and rights, corporation policies and design work. Once again, I am sure XWiki will give me many, many. many days of happiness! :-) Thanks to the XWiki Team and Community for the great work.


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team