It makes sense, discussions àla Wikipedia if I'm right ;-)

The quickest way to do this is to create a specific skin with a new displayer for comments. In fact, that's what was done for, see for instance .

As for the rights setting (people seeing the page but not the comments), I'm not sure that XWiki can do that out of the box... What you could do though is to create 2 spaces, MySpace & MySpaceDiscussion -> then on each page of /MySpace you put a button such as [PageDiscussion>MySpaceDiscussion.$doc.getName()] (through a panel for instance). Then people can create a discussion page with different rights for each existing page. With the parent set right it's easy to get back from the page in the discussion space to the original one...

Then you'd need to create a topic in your panel in the second space. You could try to put this in a panel on the 2nd space :

$doc.getObject('BBCode.TopicClass', true) -> this creates a topic in your page, but you'd still miss all the content on the TopicClassSheet... Maybe playing a bit with an input form in the panel :-)

But this looks like a big hack... Good luck if you wanna try and do it though ;-)


PS: if you wait a few hours, I'll may have the time to improve the BB's remaining rough edges and upload a new XAR...

On 21/02/2008, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team <> wrote:
Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> I'm not quite sure about what's the best way to handle this issue at
> the level of categories. However, please note that using the latest
> version of the application you can create new bulletin boards, giving
> each one its own space. This way protecting Topics and categories
> becomes much easier since you can use XWiki's built-in rights system
> more effectively.
> To find out how, download the latest XAR (it may cause a few
> compatibilities issues with the first one though, you may want to keep
> a backup the first BB XAR...) and go to the [BBCode.Admin] page ->
> you'll be able to create as many Bulletin Board as you wish, each in
> its own space :-)
> Hope this helps,
> Guillaume
> PS: thanks for the nice words :-) Actually I was greatly helped by
> Jérôme Velociter, Jean-Vincent Drean & Raffaello Pelagalli -> kudos to
> them three :-)

Thanks Guillaume. And thanks to the whole BB Team :-)

Sorry for asking before trying the last release!

One thing I have been considering it to use this BB stuff as the "by
default" way of discussing about the contents of a document.  At least
for us is much more important the discussion than the document by
itself. So to efficiently capture the "creation process" is of key

I was thinking about something like a tabbed page with a default "forum"
for each document. It could be an option to create such a thing. And the
access rights must be anyway managed independently (an user or group
could read the document but not the discussion, for instance). I could
figure out some other cross references between discussion and document,
but I don't know if this could make sense at all.

Please, does this make sense for you?

Thanks for your time!


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

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