Ok, everything's working fine. 

Basically, when creating a new topic, the first time you acces the page it offers you the possibility to enter a title and content for the topic's first post. So you have to enter those values manually. Since a post is supposed not to be edited afterwards, when you try to edit the page again it gives you a message saying that you cannot do so.

So basically you need to be careful & enter a title and a content for the first post of your new topic each time you create one :-) -> Check the attached image to see what I mean. It's the page an user should be presented with right after creating a new topic. You'll see it if you try to create a new topic.

If you forget to do so, you can edit the page object to update it - as you did - but this workaround is better left for advanced users only.


On 18/02/2008, Ngo Thi Hong Nga <zorro.lp.x@gmail.com> wrote:
The screenshot is here: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2411/2274127483_df5296912f_o.jpg
In the left is view mode and the right is edit mode.
I check the contents of the TopicClass object in my topic page, both the properties title and post is empty, when I enter something in these 2 properties, everything is displayed properly.
I view the code in BBCode.TopicClassSheet, I don't see any code assign the value for this 2 properties, I don't know the Bulletin_Board.xar I downloaded is the same as yours.