On Mar 14, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Antonio Goncalves wrote:

Hi everybody,
I've started using xWiki a few weeks ago and now I want to make it look the way I want. So I'm trying to create my own skin. I read the Admin guide about it, plus other mails but I have to say it's not an easy task. I don't really know where to start because I don't understand all the css files. xwiki10b1 has 23 css files but I think only 11 are used. Am I right ( style.css; elements.css; classes.css; xwiki.css; wiki.css; page.css; rss.css; screenlayout.css; microformats.css; presentation.css; colorsblack.css;) ? If yes, what are the other ones used for (chw.css, colorsblue.css, customcoloes.css , style1.css...) ? Why is page.css empty, is it the one to fill ? In other words, which css should I change if I want another layout, another font, colours....

I guess there are some leftovers of old skins in the xwiki10b1 skin :-(
We need to clean it. I don't know more unfortunately about which css file is used or not.

We also need someone to write a tutorial on how to create a new skin.

The easiest is to base your skin on an existing skin and just change what you want. This is what I did for mavenbook.org and it was easy.
