I think I may be able to work around this issue by setting the cache to 0 for this.  This might allow the changes to come through.


Ludovic Dubost wrote:

Yes ! XWiki is not yet cluster ready.. there is work to configure the caches to broadcast changes over the cluster.
There are also some maps and structure that needs to be but in a CacheService so that they can be clustered


Tim Suter wrote:
OK.  The reason why my changes "seem" to disappear is because I have edited them on a cluster and the servers need to be synced in order to realize the changes across all four servers.  DUH!  I kept wondering why the changes were disappearing and after looking at the access logs, that's what it was.

Tim Suter wrote:
We aren't using tomcat.  We are using the iPlanet Web Server.

Ludovic Dubost wrote:

Your problems are quite weird and I don't really see what could be
having the exact effects you are seeing..
We would need some more "atomic" issue with some stack trace from the
tomcat log files to be able to help out.


Tim Suter wrote:


Ludovic Dubost wrote:

Hi Tim,

Which version are you running ?


Tim Suter wrote:

I am having some major issues with xwiki.  I am adding content to
it and
press the save button and it sometimes will save and sometimes
won't. Also, intermittently, I am forced to log in again to make
changes.  This
isn't after any extended time.  Also, using the admin user, it will
sometimes let me log in with the changed password, but also, I have to
use the default password sometimes.  Anyone else have this issue?

Not using tomcat or a local MySQL db.  Using MySQL on a remote server,
and also xwiki is running on SunOne iPlanet WebServer.



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