To options:

1. Use:

  ProxyPass /
  ProxyPassReverse /

and move XWiki from tomcat/webapps/xwiki to tomcat/webapps/ROOT
This means that you won't have the Tomcat manager app, but you will also
remove /xwiki/ from the path.

2. Add a redirect from to

Sergiu Dumitriu

Thanks for trying to help me, but those to proposals are not solving the problem IMHO.

1. I don't want to move XWIKI from tomcat/webapps/xwiki to tomcat/ because then I couldn't use anything else with Tomcat
2. A redirect does somehow not work

Even if I put the working link ( into the "ProxyPass" argument it does not work. The ProxyPass is actually working but somehow not. Do I may have to configure something in Tomcat, too? But then again, why is working when addressed directly but not with ProxyPass...?

All I want is if I enter in my browser it should go to http://wahlreiheit:8082/xwiki/ and show the xwiki installation...I don't get it..   :-(