Hi Ricardo,
Once you've created a custom skin, you can go to Administration->SpacePref-> select a space and change the skin is uses.
Other than creating a whole new set of CSS files to make a new skin, you can create a xwiki skin page and add the customization within that skin page.  Checkout this page: http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Skins

You can import a css using 
@import "/xwiki/skins/toucan/style.css";
On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 7:33 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team <webmaster@environmentalchange.net> wrote:

Working with XWiki 1.3 and Albatross skin I've successfully changed the
background of the inner content container by editing colorsblack.css
this way...

.content #contentcontainerinner, .contenthideright #contentcontainerinner {
background-position:right top;

My challenge now is to be able to set a different background on per
space basis.

By googling on this topic, I've found a number of reference using
JavaScript to dynamically change CSS.

Please, is this the path I must follow in this case or could I find
other alternative in XWiki? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

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