Hi all,
I know that this question is not a “functionality” question, but it affects directly the usability of Xwiki, especially to convince non-programmers to use wiki. Then, here it goes:
Using the xwiki syntax to build tables, I find the resulting code a little
unreadable once it is not allowed to insert line breaks.
I tried to insert HTML comments to solve the problem, but it did not work.
I put the code just below to illustrate my point. Is there any way for doing
something like the third way? 
a) How it is:
Header 1|Header 2
A value|A Value
A value|A Value
A value|A Value
b) the way I tried:
Header 1|Header 2
A value|A Value
<!-- cleanning the code -->
A value|A Value
<!-- cleanning the code -->
A value|A Value
c) how I would like to see:
Header 1|Header 2
A value|A Value
A value|A Value
A value|A Value



Rodrigo Paes
PHD Student - Computer Science - PUC-Rio -
Messenger -


"Só existem duas certezas na vida: a morte e os impostos"