Hi Brandon,

This is not the right channel for this. This mailing list is about the XWiki open source development of XE, XEM ,etc.

The XWiki farm has nothing to do (yet) with the XWiki development. It's a service currently provided by the XWiki SAS company and the best way to notify them is to use the JIRA project named "XWiki Public Farm Support".

That said there are plans to create a farm on xwiki.org which would be managed by the community. I haven't been able to progress on this yet but when it happens then this mailing list will be the right channel ;)


On Feb 14, 2008, at 4:41 PM, Esbach, Brandon wrote:

Hi admins:

Currently Skol is making an appearance a few too many times.  At present there are two immediate concerns:

  • Cant get a listing of items above a few seconds load time
  • It stopped my import upload halfway - around 1000 out of over 2000 items completed - which means I have to manually check each import to find which one it failed, correct that import if needed; and redo the remainder.

Is this intentionally set, or is there a problem at the moment?