Hi all
I have some problems on customizing Xwiki layout.
    1. I change the copyright information in Administration Preference, for example "It is Roc's wiki, please join us".
       but I can see only part of this,"It is Roc", in some pages's right bottom corner, and "<div id" in the same row on the left,other
       pages seems ok.
    2. I replace the logo following the instruction on xwiki.org, attached my logo to /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/DefaultSkin
            and edited objects for my logo. Every logo inside xwiki is ok, but the logo in login page still remained xwiki.org logo.
            (I set anyone must regist and login befor seeing anything in my xwiki).
       3. After I put a large table which contains 70 rows, the bottom panels (not only one) disappeared. And left some error message
            <h5 class="xwikipaneltitle" onclick="if(eltHasClass(this.parentNode, 'expanded')) createCookie('XWiki.Admin_Panels.NewPage','collapsed', ''); else
Anyone who can help me. I am trapped in these for several days.Thanks very much.