On Mar 27, 2007, at 9:50 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

On 3/27/07, Zeljko Trogrlic <zeljko_t@post.htnet.hr> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I noticed that XWiki does case sensitive search, e.g. if I search for
>>     "available", available will be found, but not "Available."
>>     How can I make searches case insensitive?
>> The search page should be case insensitive. If it is not, then it
>> might be a bug.
> it's a bug... I don't know if we have a jira issue. I heard this issue
> from another user 2 days ago and I remember seeing it myself.

I'm using PostgreSQL as backend, could that be the source of the
problem? How actually searching works? Using database functions? If you
give me a hint where is it done (in code) I can investigate the problem.

Check the code for Main.WebSearch , its a series of hibernate hql queries. The string is searched with "where field LIKE '$keyword'", so if LIKE is not case insensitive, this is the cause.

Sergiu, I think this also happens with HSQL. We should check if it happens on xwiki.org too (what is it running on BTW? MySQL?)

>>     Speaking of searching, it not clear to me what happens if I turn on
>>     Lucene. Does this replace searching back-end for regular search
>>     box, or
>>     I have to add new page for searching?
>> No, it does not replace normal search. You will have to write a search
>> page that uses Lucene. Maybe we should have this page in the Code area
>> on xwiki.org <http://xwiki.org>.
> We already have it :-)
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Code/LucenePlugin

It was not clear to me does it replace regular search, thanks for the
answer. I will add search box integration to JIRA for future reference,
and I think that this should be stated on plugin page, because
description is a bit misleading: "It can be used in place of the default
search implementation..."

Feel free to edit and improve the LucenePlugin documentation on the wiki :-)
