
A DatabaseList consists of a query that returns the entries in the list.

1. The query is written using HQL (Hibernate Query Language), a SQL-like language. I can't explain the data model it works with, but you can search the various pages where it is used (search for documents containing $xwiki.search or searchDocuments).
2. If it returns one value per result, it will be used as the list entry value and displayed text. If it returns two or more values per result, the first part is used as the value, while the second one is used as the displayed text.
3. You can configure the list, specifying how it is displayed (drop-down, radio buttons, checkboxes), whether it allows single or multiple selection, the site of the drop-down, and some other properties.

Hope this helps a bit.

On 4/5/07, Oova <ping.scan@gmail.com> wrote:

Anyboy, could you please help me with the below one? Thanks in advance

> - How do I use the property "Database List Class", it seems very
> powerful in
> creating dynamic lists of values, references to other objects etc.
> but I am
> unable to decipher how to use it.
