Vincent Massol wrote:

Not sure I understand what you mean ;)


Some time it is easier to ask directly instead of doing weird things :-( Sorry for not being clearer.

The point is that by using macro.vm I can easily add new macros to our sites without needing to modify macros.vm. This way, our customizations are "completely" independent of the base skin and updates are pretty straightforward.

Now that following your advise I have learned how to control panels' appearance by using CSS, it will be great to have a tool to include new CSS code in the "rendering process" without modifying the default css files. This way, as with the macros, I have not to be concerned about overwriting old default css while updating.

The only tool I founded in that I guess could do something like this is MergeCSS. But I don't understand well how it could be used.

Hope this is a bit clearer now. Thanks for your patience!

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team