The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki Enterprise 1.3 RC 1.

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First release candidate for XWiki Enterprise 1.3 (and hopefully the last one).

Main changes from 1.3M2:

    * Lots of bugs fixed
    * Improved Toucan Skin with several bug fixes on IE
    * Added a new XWiki.XWikiSyntax page that lists XWiki syntax to replace the link to the web site, thus allowing the ability to see syntax information even when offline.
    * Generalized Ajax Suggest Feature (see XWIKI-1604 - No documentation yet).
    * Ability to force a default language.
    * Ability to enable/disable the watchlist feature by wiki. Moved the Watchlist pages to an application proper (i.e. as XWiki documents) instead of template files.
    * Added License/Notice files to all released files.
    * Added ability to customize the email template for the Watchlist feature (the email template is located in the XWiki.WatchListMessage page).
    * The Watchlist feature now sends the change differences in the email.

+ lots of other changes

For more information see the Release notes at:

-The XWiki dev team