Hi All,
Wondering if this is due to an API update, or just some odd co-incidence, but since going to Beta4 any email message sent from Xwiki now has no to: address. Our corporate Junk Mail settings then trash the email..
Guess the question is, am I mucking up the call (see below), or was this an API update since 0.9.840 (last test was done pre-Beta1 on 0.9.840)?
$xwiki.xWiki.sendMessage("esbachb@tycoelectronics.com", "esbachb@tycoelectronics.com", "blah blah blahdablahblah:subject is here", $context.context)
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
Tyco Electronics
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305