It was available for a short time a few days ago in the
download section (Fri I think). Size of WAR file is 42,522,873 bytes; if
that helps. I think I was likely a little jumpy and kept a bit too sharp
an eye on the links, they were disabled again later that
I tend to use the WAR file, not the installer; as we
have an existing installation and from what I could tell, the .exe installer is a
standalone (not upgradable) version?
In my case, this is the short version of what I
1) Exported my database manually via MySQL to our test
2) Setup username/etc in MySQL to be default (which
I'd checked by expanding the WAR temporarily on the test
3) Copy over the old xwiki folder from our live server to
test that the data connections are working.
4) Stop tomcat, dropped the XWiki .war file into the tomcat
installation already there, and start tomcat. At this point, the only
thing different between the old XWiki and the upgraded one, is the xwiki
files (which we don't alter directly, we use the skin to modify files as we
5) Connect to Xwiki.
By default, the old skin was used (no surprise as our old
database was used).
To get around this, I used the old ?skin=MySkin and typed
in the preferences link manually to change this to MySkin. I didn't know
the new skin was called
xwiki10b1 though - this could be why my skin didn't work
right (0.9.840 default skin was called MySkin, so this probably was used as
far as possible).
I'd like to know though, is there more work being done on
this version since Friday's download? Or is the one I have the released
From: Esbach,
Brandon []
Sent: vendredi 15
décembre 2006 14:18
[xwiki-users] New Xwiki: Remember me option
Just noticed
that if you don't set this option, xwiki won't log you on (well, for me
Using: Firefox 1.5;
default cookie options.
just tried it with a fresh xwiki install, using the installer for 1.0 beta 1 and
it worked fine. I’m using FF2 though but I don’t think it matters. Please try it
when the beta 1 is available and if it still doesn’t work please raise a bug in
Seems the new skin
does not want to initialise on my existing wiki, not sure what I need to do to
enable? I have managed to
change the Preferences to point to the MySkin, but am only receiving an all-text
did you get the new skin ? Normally the way to upgrade to it is to upgrade
your xwiki install to 1.0 beta 1 and then change your skin name to xwiki10b1.
But as beta 1 is not released yet, I’m not sure how you got it? J
From SVN?