We all agree we need something better for deletions. We have a JIRA
issues for this: http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-543
Sergiu has proposed this and has added a description of how it
should work and questions there. I would be interested to see what you think?
Sent: jeudi 4 janvier 2007 19:00
To: xwiki-users@objectweb.org
Subject: [xwiki-users] Audit trail for deletions (was: Re: Strange
behaviour on xwiki.org)
I've noted that when a doc is deleted, no record seems to be kept
of when it was done, by whom, or what the document's former history was.
When I brag about XWiki's ability to track and undo changes, I have
to sort of gloss over this little hole in the functionality.
I realize, of course, that permission to delete is separately
controllable (though only as a part of the "admin" right) but I'd
like not to have to forbid anyone deleting documents merely because I can't support
an audit trail for them. Then again, the inability to recover space by
means of wholesale deletion (with optional archiving) of obsolete
documents would make admins pretty unhappy, so some ability to do complete
deletions (without resorting to direct database manipulation) must remain as an
administrative option.
So I think I'd like to see the following:
- auditable, history-recoverable document deletion (and possibly
renaming), granted as part of the "edit" right; and
- auditable but non-recoverable (by ordinary users)
deletion and renaming reserved for the "admin" right.
In order to accomplish this (and other refinements, foreseeable and
otherwise), it might be a good idea to populate XWikiRightService.getRight()'s
actions-to-required-rights map from a configuration file rather than directly
in code as the default rights service implementation currently does.
Of course, this method does not map "delete" to
"admin"; instead it maps "delete" to "delete",
and checkAccess() deals with "delete" specially, succeeding
immediately for the document's creator and changing the required right to
"admin" for anyone else, before doing the check. So this is
another example of the unfortunate complexity of the rights system, which will
probably require considerable effort to simplify, if it can be done at all, and
I wouldn't blame the developers if they were reluctant to take it up; I
certainly would be. Thus the age-old conflict between "security
is hard" and "complexity is the enemy of security" continues
(though together they hint that complexity is part of why it's hard)...