Hi Fabian,

Any news or progress? Ludovic has answered to you but I didn't see any answer from you... (I may have missed it though).


On Jan 7, 2007, at 1:13 AM, Ludovic Dubost wrote:

This line looks bad in your log file

15:05:41,526 ERROR http-8080-1 http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome XWikiHibernateBaseStore:updateSchema:334 - Failed updating schema: ERROR: update or delete on "xwikiproperties" violates foreign key constraint "fkdf25ae4f283ee295" on "xwikilongs"
Detail: Key (xwp_id,xwp_name)=(-1931600447,editbox_height) is still referenced from table "xwikilongs".

You might want to try cleaning references between xwikilongs and

Fabian Gorsler a écrit :
> Hi Vincent,
> thanks for your fast reply. :)
>> The migration is described in the Release Notes and I've just linked it
>> from the installation page this morning.
> The tasks described in the Release Notes don't work for my problem. At the
> moment I'm not able to display anything with XWiki, I just receive
> exceptions.
>> Ha, that would be a problem. We need to track this as this is supposed to
>> be the way to upgrade. What errors are you getting?
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column xwikidocum0_.xwd_title
> does not exist
> This exception led me to assume that Hibernate mappings have changed. The
> dump I've set up on my database for testing is identical to the live
> system which serves the old XWiki.
> (The whole log with more exceptions and details is here:
> http://www.der-moloch.de/files/xwiki-ml/xwiki_stdout.log)
>> Don't do it manually!
> :)
>> We thought it would work seamlessly but it seems it  doesn’t in
>> your case so we need to find out what's not working. Let's work
>> together to resolve this.
> This sounds really great. Perhaps I should pass you my whole configuration
> at first:
> - OS: Windows XP SP 2
> - Tomcat 5.5.20
> - JVM: Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-b03)
> - DB: PostgreSQL 8.1.5 (JDBC: postgresql-8.1-408.jdbc3.jar) / UTF-8
> The things I did:
> - I downloaded xwiki-1.0-beta-1.war and deployed it via Tomcat Manager.
> - Stopped Tomcat.
> - Renamed xwiki-1.0-beta-1/ to xwiki/ in webapps-folder of Tomcat.
> - Added Postgres-JDBC-driver to xwiki/WEB-INF/lib.
> - Edited hibernate.cfg.xml: Removed MySQL entries, pasted our
> configuration of the old XWiki and reconfigured some connection settings.
> - Started Tomcat and tried to open
> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome.
> The connection settings from hibernate.cfg.xml:
> <property
> name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost/xwikidb</property>
> <property name="connection.username">xwiki</property>
> <property name="connection.password">topsecret</property>
> <property name="connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
> <property
> name="connection.provider_class">com.xpn.xwiki.store.DBCPConnectionProvider</property>
> <property name="connection.pool_size">50</property>
> <property name="statement_cache.size">50</property>
> <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>
> Connections to the Postgres-DB are opened and data is transferred. The
> connection seems to be ok.
> Which information do you need additionally? What should I try to do?
> Thanks in advance for your help! :)
> Best regards,
> Fabian.