I use Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
I have two databases on
two different platforms. ( One for devs and one for production. )
On my dev database I have
a schema/user named XWIKI/XWIKI
On my prod database I have
a schema/user named WIKI9/WIKI9
XWIKI 1.0 is installed
on both platforms and it works very nicely.
Planning to upgrade to
version 1.1, I installed XWIKI 1.1 on the dev platform. It works well. I
decided to install it on my prod platform, it failed.
I think, xwiki 1.1
expects a schema named XWIKI. ( As detailed in the oracle install page. http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/InstallationOracle
I’m going to ask our
DBA to change the schema/user name but it worked well with xwiki 1.0
Best regards.
Emmanuel FAUX
Tél. : 01 70 18 24 01 - Mob. : 06 28 09 73 20
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