On 3/26/07, Zeljko Trogrlic <zeljko_t@post.htnet.hr> wrote:

I noticed that XWiki does case sensitive search, e.g. if I search for
"available", available will be found, but not "Available."

How can I make searches case insensitive?

The search page should be case insensitive. If it is not, then it might be a bug. Are you sure there isn't a typo in the "Available" word, as it is in the document? Or, is it in a page named like the one where "available" is, because page names are compared case-insensitive and only one hit is returned.

Speaking of searching, it not clear to me what happens if I turn on
Lucene. Does this replace searching back-end for regular search box, or
I have to add new page for searching?

No, it does not replace normal search. You will have to write a search page that uses Lucene. Maybe we should have this page in the Code area on xwiki.org.
