Hi Fernando,

This is indeed a bug. Here's what we do:

                    InputStream xwikicfgis = null;

                    // first try to load the file pointed by the given path
                    // if it does not exist, look for it relative to the classpath
                    File f = new File(xwikicfg);
                    if (f.exists()) {
                        xwikicfgis = new FileInputStream(f);
                    } else {
                        xwikicfgis = econtext.getResourceAsStream(xwikicfg);

The pb is that f.exists() will return true and new FileInputStream will throw an exception and thus the else will not get executed.

I have opened an issue: http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1539


On Jul 26, 2007, at 11:06 PM, Fernando Lozano wrote:

Hi there,

After running XWiki fine in my local server, I'm trying to run it on my hosting provider.
Acces to WebHome yelds the error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: access denied (java.io.FilePermission /WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg read)

I tried changing web.xml to


That is, I tried cofiguring the real phisical path to the xwiki.cfg file,
But still get the same error.

My ISP tells me Xwiki is trying to get /WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg as an absolute file system path,
not as a context-relative path, and it looks like changing the <env-entry> has no effect.

What should I do?

[]s, Fernando Lozano


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