I noticed a lot of cache calls in the debug output, so I increased
and saw the page load time cut in half for the mainpage.  Also, calls to $xwiki.getLocalUserName do not seem to slow it down anymore.

Though it's still 3 times slower than with xwiki 0.9, it's nearly acceptable for our users.  Of course, I'd like to see it just as fast as before, so anybody have any ideas why it's go so much slower or need so much more cache? Or why this problem wouldn't show up in testing (a smaller database, but not that much smaller)?


Tom Kliethermes
eSupport Initiatives
IBM Information Management
(913) 599-7240   Fax: (913) 599-8590

Thomas Kliethermes/Lenexa/IBM@IBMUS

04/03/2007 10:49 AM
Please respond to

[xwiki-users] Slow performance on certain pages after upgrade to beta5

Hi all,

We tried to upgrade our production server to beta5 over the weekend, but we noticed much slower response time on the main page.  Previous to upgrade, the mainpage came up in less than a second, but with Beta 5 (and now Beta 6), it takes 8-12 seconds  (we reverted to xwiki .9).

After moving the database to testing and doing some debugging, I think I see part of the problem. The main page shows several news items (ArticleClass items), and it appears that they are the cause of the slowdown.  If I comment out all the calls to get information about these items ( ie $newsdoc.display("title", "view", $newsobject) ) the page speeds up significantly (about 1 second per field not retrieved).  If I further comment out calls to $xwiki.getLocalUserName, I get another speed up of about 2 seconds (there were two calls per news item: for author and creator).

The strange thing is, we saw little or no performance difference between xwiki .9 and 1 with our test databases, but copy the production database to testing and we see it.  If we use xwiki .9, it's fast again.

We had previously added an extensive set of indexes to the mysql database to improve performance in .9, but dropping/changing/recreating them had no significant effect.

I've tried many debugging steps such as turning on hibernate debug and xwiki debug, and can't see any unexpected exceptions on database upgrade., and there's nothing unexpected in xwiki.log.

The database is large-ish, 656M, but 601M of that is attachments, and deleting the entire contents of xwikiattachments and xwikiattachment_content has no effect.  We have 1300 users listed on the users page, but I have not tried deleting some yet.

Disabling stats had no impact on performance.

I'm testing on Gentoo Linux, with IBM JDK 1.5, Tomcat 5.5,  and MySQL 5.

Any ideas about where to start debugging?


Tom Kliethermes
eSupport Initiatives
IBM Information Management
(913) 599-7240   Fax: (913) 599-8590

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