
This was fixed in XWiki 1.0 Beta 1 as you've probably noticed by now... ;-)


On Jan 13, 2006, at 8:43 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:

Spoke too soon…  Looking at the source, the <img> tag at least is not deleted, but all the quotes in it have been escaped.  So the tag turns into this:


<img src="$xwiki.getAttachmentURL(&#39;ContinuousSearch&#39;,&#39;itunes-unfiltered&#39;)" alt="" />


This seems like a bug in the WYSIWYG editor—it should ever need to escape quote characters.  Is there a way to make it stop doing this?


- Peter


From: Peter Flynn []
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:35 AM
Subject: [xwiki-users] WYSIWYG editor deletes content


Hi everyone,


We’re having some major issues with the WYSIWYG editor deleting content that it doesn’t understand when you save a page.  For example, in order to link to an image on another page, we add something like this to the code:


<img src=”$xwiki.getAttachmentURL(‘MyPage’,’my-image’)” />


That works great, until you edit this page using the WYSIWYG editor.  Savings your changes just deletes the whole tag.  The page basically cannot be edited (other than as raw code) once it links to an image this way.  We have the same issue with the <form> code suggested in the FAQ for document templates – you can’t edit the template page in WYSIWYG mode anymore because if you do, it’ll delete the form.


Is there any way around this?


- Peter
