I'd like to change my skin but by defining the skin as described in the documentation doesn't works...

By starting I need to change only the logo, so I've created the RomaSkin with the following lines:

@import "xwiki.css";
@import "wiki.css";
@import "page.css";
@import "rss.css";

/* Logo */
#xwikilogo img {
 background-image: url(" http://www.OrienTechnologies.com/roma/roma_logo.gif");

But nothing appears. Why? Thanks

Luca Garulli
Blogging on: http://zion-city.blogspot.com
http://www.RomaFramework.org - The new way to build applications
http://www.Pro-Netics.com (member of Orixo.com - The XML business alliance)
http://www.OrienTechnologies.com - Light ODBMS, All in one JDO solution