Vincent Massol wrote:

On Jul 6, 2007, at 12:12 PM, Artem Melentyev wrote:

Gaurav Upadhyaya wrote:

I liked this wiki so much that i want to customize its look per my
choice and run it on my database. I have the code with me and want to
know few things :

1) How can I configure the database to Oracle, (before building the
archive, to avoid repetitive work).I have tried over writing the
hibernate files with my config, but the moment i use "mvn install", it
sets back to the default HSQL db. Where do i need to make a change for
hibernate files to use my DB properties.
2) How can I change the default user (XWIKI / XWIKI).

1. Download or build default xwiki war
2. unpack (unzip)
3. modify any configs, copy there oracle jdbc driver
4. pack (simple zip and rename to xwiki.war)
5. enjoy :) or, mean deploy :)

or, as I pointed out so many times, simply read the documentation on, in the Installation guide...



But if you REALLY want to build for oracle:
1. look at xwiki-platform-pom/pom.xml
2. add  your oracle m2 profile there
3. build all by mvn -P<yourprofile>

Thanks again for your reply,

but i do not want to install by downloading the ready WAR(as mentioned in the installation guide.). I was hoping that i can build my own wiki with my database, my skin with my changes. For doing that, i need to develop it and would need to build it again and again. And that is the reason for all my questions.

I am working on Artem's suggestions now and am thankful to him for providing me that.

Thanks again