Hi all,

I'm trying to set up XWiki 0.9.840 on Tomcat 4.1.31 and MySQL 5.0.12. I've deployed the WAR, ran the SQL script against my SQL database, and modified hibernate.cfg.xml to point to my XWiki database. When I ran the main URL I got the following errors:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3201 in 3: Exception while saving document XWiki.XWikiPreferences
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3221 in 3: Exception while saving class XWiki.XWikiPreferences
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3222 in 3: Exception while saving class XWiki.XWikiPreferences
Wrapped Exception: Could not execute JDBC batch update
org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processException (RequestProcessor.java:516)
org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process (ActionServlet.java:1164)
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java :802)

Any ideas what might be wrong here?

Apppreciate any suggestions! Thanks!