Hi Juan,

First of all I'd like to thank you for offering your help.

You can indeed contribute to the translation of the spanish version. All you need to know is on this page: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Contributing , under the first section. This file will include all the various menu items.

We are currently maintaining the default wiki (the content of the XAR currently coming with every release) in english only, but if you would like to put some time and effort into it, once the final 1.1 version is out you might want to translate the content of the pages themselves (Welcome page, blog and a bunch of others) so that a spanish XAR could be released for the 1.1 version afterwards.



On 17/08/07, Juan Asensio Sánchez <juan.asensio@bytelecom.es> wrote:

I am testing xwiki. As far I have seen, this is a great work. I have
seen that the spanish translation is not finished. How could i
contribute with it?


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